I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data.. https://sites.google.com/view/stayhomeaustralia
Thanks everyone for above comments. Much appreciated.
Euro Covid Waves Forecast UK / Euro Experts warn of 'near' record Winter Waves...we can explore why that is. If that is the case then data on past waves should timetable this impending doom.
tbb waded in so far & yes there are set rises in the Covid tide rising with each wave. This Covid time'n'tide chart averages 2020 /2021 outbreaks as to current rise & fall. Data suggests these relayed time frames could promote 20% or closer to 10% accuracy! Big call! But tbb is merely replicating the Euro Wave Sets to meet this Winter's Outbreaks... Wouldn't be combing thru it & sharing unless there was some consistency in the data. Thankfully there is very much an order to the Data patterns for what was as few as 2 former waves. Each Nations waves rose with in 3 weeks & most were more timely within 1-2 weeks each season. That's seemingly enough to have a crack at a makeshift timetable of sorts.
Research into Winter gales > Cold snaps > Pollution > but equally Gateway Ports play a role. Eitherway it's well worth investigating a consistent Flow pattern for Euro Covid...starting here & now!
eg: 1 > High density visa free port havens with means to travel to wide array of Destinations. eg:2 > (World Hotties) #1 Japan 193 nations > #2 Singapore 192 nations > #3 South Korea 192 Nations eg;3 > (EU [+] Order) #1 Isle of Man > #2 Gibraltar > #3 UK > # Ireland (All are crowded Island Ports) Easy to argue that these densely overcrowded Free Trade Ports / Havens are spiking outbreaks! Each #186 NZ + #185 Oz Gateways double as #7 + #8 Hot Spot Gateway Ports.(How can they not!) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henley_Passport_Index
Check for yerselves...now that Travel is open ...these very same hottie nations are topping the charts. Naturally these very same Top 20 wealthiest friendly > free Nations spread the most Covid by default. tbb is merely suggesting that where these Island Havens get denser then Covid breaks out sooner! Here we go again...hold on tight for another wild ride...Circus Tent lights up...the show must go on!
The chart is tbb's handiwork...but credits OWID / worldometer. There was to be a companion set of booster timeline data...(re: High risk (vs) General?) No real results!
Likely that nations will jump ahead as they sit within days on the timeline...(Used as a Guide Only!) This timetable is designed to smooth out the bumps to concentrate on peak hour express outbreaks. Following travel timetable should help the crew drop in & snake a lightning fast Euro evacuation pod.
Euro Covid Waves Forecast (Exclusive to swellnet) *Current record high Aug Covid cases.
End Aug : *Lithuania *Slovenia (Notes) Both Nations peak early pause & drop about now but still register record seasonal high cases... Crew can read these High early starters as an omen for the Expert's Record Euro Covid waves
Mid Sept : Isle of Man/ Gibraltar/ UK *Czechia/ Ireland *Cyprus *Netherlands *Romania *France *Austria *Monaco (Notes: Nations not @ record high are very close...no relief in sight!) See also testing...
Early Oct: *Slovakia*Iceland*Belgium*Luxembourg*Liechtenstein*Switzerland*Germany*Spain*Serbia*Croatia (Notes: This is a warning sign to any who think Covid is over...All perched on Record High base camps.)
Mid Oct : *Hungary *Portugal *Denmark *Poland *Greece *Italy *Malta (Notes : Europe has record low testing yet is still smashing record high seasonal Covid!)
Early Nov: *Norway *Finland *Sweden (Notes: Far North is still clocking record seasonal Covid!)
Dec *Turkey / Faeroe Islands / Greenland (Notes: Limited Island/s Test data after record Omicron Peaks?)
Tests / 1,000 (eg: Australia currently tests 2 / 1,000) or about 30% of Covid Cases. Austria 10 / Greece 8 / Portugal 5 / Italy 3 (All others were below 2 or had recently Halted Testing. Notes: All European Nations above Oz rate were fast dipping beneath @ Mid year Data cut off! Doubtful that any European Nation is testing above 2 / 1,000 or about 25% of Cases.
Crew can read the seriousness of current record Covid is only 25% of total Euro Covid > Winter Spike! Very similar to Australia BA.4/5...Keep cases on ice but Record Hospitalizations / Deaths will mount. Experts are right to tip large > record UK / Euro Covid...only crew will read 25% of real Case numbers. Oz did the same so expect the same elsewhere!
current waves in Vic and NSW seem smaller than those prior on the Chris Billington charts TBB, with respect given to under-testing/changed methodologies/other sources of uncertainty
maybe EU will see similar?
"...Should schools be closed? Should everyone wear face masks in public places? Should those exposed to an infection be required to quarantine at home? Should public-health officials rely on computer models of viral spread to impose strict limitations on people’s movements? In each case, the answer was no, because there was no evidence these measures would make a significant difference.
“Experience has shown,” Henderson’s team concluded, “that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted.” The researchers specifically advised leaders not to be guided by computer models, because no model could reliably predict the effects of the measures or take into account the “devastating” collateral damage. If leaders overreacted and panicked the public, “a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.”
This advice was subsequently heeded in the pre-Covid pandemic plans prepared by the CDC and other public-health agencies. The WHO’s review of the scientific literature concluded that there was “no evidence” that universal masking “is effective in reducing transmission.” The CDC’s pre-2020 planning scenarios didn’t recommend universal masking or extended school and business closures even during a pandemic as severe as the 1918 Spanish flu. Neither did the U.K.’s 2011 plan, which urged “those who are well to carry on with their normal daily lives” and flatly declared, “It will not be possible to halt the spread of a new pandemic influenza virus, and it would be a waste of public health resources and capacity to attempt to do so.”
But those plans were abruptly discarded in March 2020, when computer modelers in England announced that a lockdown like China’s was the only way to avert doomsday..."
“The World Health Organization is revising its official guidance to call for stricter lockdown measures in the next pandemic, and it is even seeking a new treaty that would compel nations to adopt them”.
Well shit. Really?, talk about working in silos.
the cluelessness is truly frightening
Yes velocityjohnno those Euro stats reflect Autumn over 3 seasons heading into Peak Winter Covid. They are indeed a straight rip...& it was mean't to be no more than a guide reflecting seasonal Covid. Each season most of the base camps start from a higher record level * (Can count them!)
Using Southern Hemisphere Oz Winter as 'Guide' Only...( Europe is copying Oz Tests / Flu Jab combos)
tbb will purposely example "Peak" record Winter testing > Cases (re: Not exact date Compatible) This is merely exampling the Maximum State Health Winter crisis capacity applied to each Winter. Recall States long ditched > Contact tracing / QR codes / APP / Mutant testing / Health Hub Tests
Victoria Winter Wave Peaks (Tests = Cases) 2020 Tests 42,973 Cases 700 // 2021 Tests 62,000 Cases 2,243 // 2022 Tests 20,549 Cases 14,293
NSW Winter Wave Peaks (Tests = Cases) 2020 Tests 21,714 Cases 22 // 2021 Tests 171,286 Cases 1,573 // 2022 Tests 48,118 Cases 18,657
Natcab collectively ramped tests to AEC cutoff to ration AEC Booths struck down by [+] iso staff! Here we see Natcab collectively reduce testing by 60% for BA.4/5 wave to keep travel/trade open. 2021 (Delta Record Test rates) Would spike record BA.4/5 cases reflecting record Hospital/death data. Here we see Natcab restricting testing to 30% of 2021 Test Rates to try & limit record cases.
Europe are already restricting testing to 25% to cushion their Wintery blast of already record covid.
So each strain comes quicker as waves rise sooner from a higher starting level to new record crisis. tbb recently exampled Japan's perfect storm of increasing set waves across 5 sets of data. Japan did increase testing each wave showing the real face of the Covid Crisis (Brutal rare Honesty!) In essence it is the only true Pandemic Data set that reflects our World during this era...Salute!
Continuing with Seasons we still can't shake these climbing data sets > Vax waning the same ratio! Crew can read tbb's Euro Data & count the current record * (That's right here & right now!)
There is no way known to escape this gradual creep...all try to wish it away! Many here luv to say covid is over... they too, rise in similar rates reflecting our disenfranchising data!
Characterized from stereotypical human angst...poster child for our animated groundhog nightmare!
tbb is not keen on Covid data & wishes with all that this gig ends...just can't live out a mass expert lie! It is wot it is...gotta stop hiding the truth, grow up & deal with it.
6 month ago from the White House:
“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm”
How insane this was normal 6 month ago. Roadkill, AndyM and anyone else who supports this are morons.
People died or seriously injured from this experimental vaccine that is very clear we did not need for 99% of the population.
Will they ever be held to account for the deaths or injuries in young healthy people?
Where have I ever said that I support this? With regards to Covid I’ve said just the opposite you greasy weasel.
Where have I ever said that I support this? With regards to Covid I’ve said just the opposite you greasy weasel.
You want to trust the experts. You’ve said it several times.
Or do you only want to trust them sometimes?
You can’t be serious.
You can’t be serious.
burleigh is a fucking idiot. The clown does not acknowledge any science and everything is a big conspiracy. Look where he gets his facts from, then you know how much of a flog he is.
He will always misquote and make crap up.
A typical covidiot that leeches off the govt he is always whinging about. Jabbed his kids to get family tax benefit A and voted for Clive Palmer and worships Malcolm Roberts….says it all. Ha ha.
He actually seemed a little bit sheepish when he was told what Malcolm Roberts was really all about.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
You do realise Roadkill still refuses to acknowledge that he was deliberately lied to by government and health officials into persecuting his fellow Australians just to bolster the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company?
And that he acted out the irrational purge on the community with vigour and relish.
There was never scientific evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission or infection. This has been known to authorities since day one. The vaccines were never even trialled in preventing infection or transmission. There was never any clinical evidence to support this lie. When Australians were told to get vaccinated to reduce spread and protect the vulnerable it was a lie. Roadkill is yet to acknowledge this lie and is therefore still perpetuating a literal conspiracy.
He’s a stupid and malicious piece of work.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
You do realise Roadkill still refuses to acknowledge that he was deliberately lied to by government and health officials into persecuting his fellow Australians just to bolster the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company?
And that he acted out the irrational purge on the community with vigour and relish.
There was never scientific evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission or infection. This has been known to authorities since day one. The vaccines were never even trialled in preventing infection or transmission. There was never any clinical evidence to support this lie. When Australians were told to get vaccinated to reduce spread and protect the vulnerable it was a lie. Roadkill is yet to acknowledge this lie and is therefore still perpetuating a literal conspiracy.
He’s a stupid and malicious piece of work.
Banned 3 times for being a constructive and polite member of sn? Or you are what you call others? Ie, a stupid and malicious piece of work.
I think everyone knows the answer.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
For calling your “experts” on their lies and deception?
This is very real, take a look in the mirror to see who’s really living in a fantasy land where governments really care about your health
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
You do realise Roadkill still refuses to acknowledge that he was deliberately lied to by government and health officials into persecuting his fellow Australians just to bolster the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company?
And that he acted out the irrational purge on the community with vigour and relish.
There was never scientific evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission or infection. This has been known to authorities since day one. The vaccines were never even trialled in preventing infection or transmission. There was never any clinical evidence to support this lie. When Australians were told to get vaccinated to reduce spread and protect the vulnerable it was a lie. Roadkill is yet to acknowledge this lie and is therefore still perpetuating a literal conspiracy.
He’s a stupid and malicious piece of work.
Banned 3 times for being a constructive and polite member of sn? Or you are what you call others? Ie, a stupid and malicious piece of work.
I think everyone knows the answer.
Why not address the issue he raised? Or you don’t like admitting you’re wrong?
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
You do realise Roadkill still refuses to acknowledge that he was deliberately lied to by government and health officials into persecuting his fellow Australians just to bolster the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company?
And that he acted out the irrational purge on the community with vigour and relish.
There was never scientific evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission or infection. This has been known to authorities since day one. The vaccines were never even trialled in preventing infection or transmission. There was never any clinical evidence to support this lie. When Australians were told to get vaccinated to reduce spread and protect the vulnerable it was a lie. Roadkill is yet to acknowledge this lie and is therefore still perpetuating a literal conspiracy.
He’s a stupid and malicious piece of work.
Banned 3 times for being a constructive and polite member of sn? Or you are what you call others? Ie, a stupid and malicious piece of work.
I think everyone knows the answer.
Why not address the issue he raised? Or you don’t like admitting you’re wrong?
When you and he start addressing issues or answering question then I will do the same. Until then you can ask away but will never get the respect of an answer from me.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
You do realise Roadkill still refuses to acknowledge that he was deliberately lied to by government and health officials into persecuting his fellow Australians just to bolster the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company?
And that he acted out the irrational purge on the community with vigour and relish.
There was never scientific evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission or infection. This has been known to authorities since day one. The vaccines were never even trialled in preventing infection or transmission. There was never any clinical evidence to support this lie. When Australians were told to get vaccinated to reduce spread and protect the vulnerable it was a lie. Roadkill is yet to acknowledge this lie and is therefore still perpetuating a literal conspiracy.
He’s a stupid and malicious piece of work.
Banned 3 times for being a constructive and polite member of sn? Or you are what you call others? Ie, a stupid and malicious piece of work.
I think everyone knows the answer.
Why not address the issue he raised? Or you don’t like admitting you’re wrong?
When you and he start addressing issues or answering question then I will do the same. Until then you can ask away but will never get the respect of an answer from me.
Roadkill will never acknowledge the established fact that he was the poster boy for the covid era Brownshirts, happily persecuting fellow Australians and seeking them be denied from society and even emergency medical treatment.
We do not require Roadkill to acknowledge these facts about his behaviour. We don’t need him to admit to his stupidity, maliciousness and poor character. The truth is self evidentiary.
When times got testy he turned on the innocent people around him as instructed by such luminaries as Scott Morrison. That’s all you need to know.
Roadkill will never acknowledge the established fact that he was the poster boy for the covid era Brownshirts, happily persecuting fellow Australians and seeking them be denied from society and even emergency medical treatment.
We do not require Roadkill to acknowledge these facts about his behaviour. We don’t need him to admit to his stupidity, maliciousness and poor character. The truth is self evidentiary.
When times got testy he turned on the innocent people around him as instructed by such luminaries as Scott Morrison. That’s all you need to know.
Unfortunately Burleigh seems destined to disappear into a confused nihilistic haze where nothing is real. Strawberry fields forever.
For calling your “experts” on their lies and deception?
This is very real, take a look in the mirror to see who’s really living in a fantasy land where governments really care about your health
What, no mention of smallpox and polio vax, global warming, geology, plane travel? Damn all those experts to hell, throw them in the dustbin I say! How can you trust any of them after Covid, confound it.
Roadkill will never acknowledge the established fact that he was the poster boy for the covid era Brownshirts, happily persecuting fellow Australians and seeking them be denied from society and even emergency medical treatment.
We do not require Roadkill to acknowledge these facts about his behaviour. We don’t need him to admit to his stupidity, maliciousness and poor character. The truth is self evidentiary.
When times got testy he turned on the innocent people around him as instructed by such luminaries as Scott Morrison. That’s all you need to know.
Roadkill will never acknowledge the established fact that he was the poster boy for the covid era Brownshirts, happily persecuting fellow Australians and seeking them be denied from society and even emergency medical treatment.
We do not require Roadkill to acknowledge these facts about his behaviour. We don’t need him to admit to his stupidity, maliciousness and poor character. The truth is self evidentiary.
When times got testy he turned on the innocent people around him as instructed by such luminaries as Scott Morrison. That’s all you need to know.
The covidiot circle jerk on full display.
A coward rat. Reminds me of roadkill
The disgusting discrimination continues with unvaccinated QLD teachers being punished financially for 18 weeks.
ANYONE that allowed our governments to power grab over the last 2 years is to blame for this sickening punishment for anyone that refused a medical treatment.
Qld Teachers get docked. Footy players “quarantined” in qld get bonuses. Seems fair.
Qld Teachers get docked. Footy players “quarantined” in qld get bonuses. Seems fair.
Hopefully the unwhacked teachers will get their pay day once they take this blatant discrimination to court.
The disgusting discrimination continues with unvaccinated QLD teachers being punished financially for 18 weeks.
ANYONE that allowed our governments to power grab over the last 2 years is to blame for this sickening punishment for anyone that refused a medical treatment.
How many times does Roadkill have to tell you there was no coercion? Then he’ll put “freedumb” somewhere in the post because he doesn’t think it constitutes a genuine lack of societal freedom when the government steals four months pay when you don’t submit to an injection which has no scientific reason for necessitating.
18 weeks pay arbitrarily confiscated if you don’t submit to political bullying. That’s the sum of it.
Any suggestions that this government behaviour is comparable to expected outcomes under a social credit system must obviously be a conspiracy theory for nutters
All the Experts as always together : "The best Vax is the one available to you at the time!"
Nearly all Pollies / Health Ministers led by example & were fully jabbed before Qld Pollies Vax Games.
3rd May 2012 : Class 1b AZ Mass Vax Hub : "Where's our Class Captains & School Nurse?"
One Month goes by & School Nurse & Class Captains still haven't started on their Vax homework!
CHO : "I'm too old to be jumping the queue for the Schoolies AZ Death Cruise!" Teacher : "The Wot Queue for Wot...think you're being over dramatic!"
7th June Class Captain: "That's right teacher! My Groodle bit me so I had to take the Posh Vax that ticks all yer boxes!" Teacher : "I don't think...I know she lied!....it's actually a 'Golden Doodle' that bit her!" [Factchecker] Both Groodles & Goldendoodles are Vote pullers during Election Campaigns!
Premier : "We all know that not me nor anyone has to follow these goofball Vax directives!" MSM Factchecker : "So are you still gonna dock your fellow hesitant's pay!" Premier : "Well durr... gonna bust their band-aid free arses then dock myself a month's pay! (Cough!)
"That's because here in Qld we take vaccination very seriously...it's not a laughing matter!"
20th Aug 2022 Geert : "Bivalent Boosters will only further deteriorate the dire consequences of Mass Vax. The abundant cell surface and/or free circulating S protein will cause unilateral & potentially protracted recall of infection enhancing antibodies without priming neutralizing antibodies against Omicron-specific antigenic sequences in the 'vast majorities' of healthy vaccinees!"
(Geert's Explanation: "Vast Majority" refers to those who were not 'naturally exposed' prior to Vaxing!) Meaning : Their non neutralizing Vax is suppressing innate recall immunity to stifle their own defence! Very sad but true...so far the vax is still protecting but only just...(Cue Bivalents)
Geert continues... "Whereas the purpose of these novel vaccines is to enhance protection against continually evolving variants, they will have the opposite effect, in that they will enhance the evolutionary dynamics of the virus!"
(This next bit is very tricky as it sounds so innocent but is deadly serious!)
"Continued Mass Vax with Bivalent Vax will only increase population-level immune pressure on (viral virulence)!"
Meaning Bivalent Vax will ramp the virus to conquer the Holy Grail
re: [ Breakthru the Vaccinee's Lower respiratory tract] or the heavily guarded Secret Chamber...
( A Hottie on the boil with Zero defence = A Covidfest > Game Over! ) Gonna need a bigger Antiviral Pill.
15 Aug 2022 Nottingham Uni : Prof Jonathon Ball...on the new UK approved Moderna Bivalent Vax... "However! The virus is unlikely to stand still & Omicron-targeted immunity might push the virus down other evolutionary paths, in which case we will be like the Red Queen in Alice and the Looking Glass - having to keep running just to stay in the same place!"
"It's not a race!...say wot!" Just cue the Vax Booth DJ to smash another record!
Q: Vaccinated Transfusions... Marc Wathelet: "I'm not aware of studies of Vaccinated transfusions!" Geert Vanden Bossche : "Studies don't exist...concerns would relate to freshly vaccinated donors?"
[factcheck] Both answers are mostly correct!
Govt waste no time harvesting Virginal Bodies & Blood for VIP club but refuse to share when requested.
Dec 2020 WHO : Meta analysis of randomized controlled (Only) Convalescent Plasma [-] trials WHO ignored [+] Trials + Insufficient Plasma (vs) Late treatment. (25 participants in trials over 2 years) Johns Hopkins opposed WHO whitewash of Blood Treatment...(Timed to green light the Vax Rollout) Resulting in US (Only) immediate Blood donation after Vax...Man up & Roll up! Crew saw US were also real quick to outlaw testing of infected Vaxerz...blood being the same...All clear! At the time these dorks thought they were fast tracking Herd Immunity...(Complete Opposite happened!)
Vaxerz Blood Donor Timeline (swellnet exclusive) 4 wks Pre Vax for Transplants 2 wks Pre Transplant cut off. 0 Time US / Canada 2 days UK (2022 fast tracked from 7 days Crisis) 3 days Singapore / Oz (Jan 2022 Fastracked from omicron 7 day Crisis) 7 days EU / Scotland / Morocco (Original UK/ Oz) + Oz Close Contact 10 days US post Covid infection 2 wks Unknown Vax + New Covid Infection recover 3 wks Oz Covid Recover 2021 (2wks + 1wk) 1 mth India + Organ recipients 3 mths Liver Recipients
Ok! Quite a lot of variation & extra questions as to why Oz/UK reviewed but still refuse all safe access? This was for good reason...more on this later!
Q: Are there any Pandemic Blood / Transplant Banks...( Note : DNA / Seed Banks )
A : Big Pharma Private Vax / Covid free Blood Banks ...(Not for public access!) A : Vax / Covid free FMT Stocks (Microbiota as in pre Covid Poo reserves...now running low!) A : Vax / Covid free Milk Banks (number each pure collection) Can be secured! But say it's all mixed in. A : Govt's mandate Vax for Hospital Tissue / Organ transplants (Note: Doctors do not measure AB)
[Factcheck] All Vax donors can pass on Vax Antibodies to unvaxed or vaxed recipient There are certain conditions & peak time for this transfer to take effect...otherwise it's less likely!
Experts deny transfer by reciting that Vax only enters the muscle. (In theory Yes! Reality is far from it!) Injections : PFS are considered free of vax as they enter the body...(China/Cuba-Covid pre filled syringes) Mass Vax or Vials use the same dripping coated needle to uptake Vax to instantly contaminate the body. This Mass Vax coated needle penetrates all layers / blood as do any odd rubber cores or glass shards. Tip : Avoid last doses > Instructional videos even show these needles sucking up rubber bits then into your arm!
[Factcheck] All needles dipped in Vax vials permeate the Blood stream before reaching any muscle delivery! Vax enters Covid Vaxer's blood stream unless they used a PFS clean shot (re: Pre filled factory plant Pop-Outs) Gold Standard experts saying otherwise are deceptive or ignorant to Universal Covid Mass Vax Mess! So, how long does their Boost juice slosh around in the blood stream. mRNA = 24hrs > Spike Protein 72hrs > Wait 3 days minimum (Refer to above table!) Oz holds true! Multi peppered rubber bits to deep frozen thawed glass shards will clot yer blood for longer!
Blood Experts "Small amounts of Spike protein could be transferred from a (Recently Vaccinated) Donor to a recipient during a blood transfusion!" (Adding : Not likely to have effect?)
"Depending on the Donors (Immune Response) to vaccine & the (Time between Donor Vaccination to Blood Donation) Donated Blood may contain variable levels of Covid-19 antibodies produced by the Donors immune system!"
Robust first Vax AB are far more likely to transfer to recipient than 2nd dose or booster ABs.
Convalescent Plasma Trials (Serum Therapy) adds weight to these claims. Vax Antigens > Monoclonal Antibodies = Convalescent Plasma ( Same Active ingredient)
*Donor with overactive 1st dose Titer response transfuses into a recently infected unvaxed recipient. > Kaboom! Perfect storm for Mass Transfer of AB to mass uptake of AB...(One of Us!)
Given the Rollout timeline...any mass Vax > Unvaxed transfer may have peaked during Delta > Omicron! Most likely when 1st Vax meets mixed boosters meets antivirals spikes some weird arse unvaxed Frankenstein cocktail. Any sizable part / cross contamination could still be driving increased current 'reinfections'! (All say Aye!) Just saying... not even tbb would know! Had a good crack at it though! Shh!
The Recipient's plasma may then activate the Big Pharma switch during the infection. Worst case scenario when Vax uptake faulty defence still dominates the hesitant's passive defence. Thus leaving the recipient with neither Vax nor innate defence in a limbo of Covid reinfection!
Any change to Donor's Vax would likely spike ABs to transfer to ever infected vaxed recipients. Increasing the number of nasty mixed combos during heightened response < > Heightened uptake. Kinda like Frankenstein needing a perfect storm lightning bolt to give him a jolt....all rings true!
Recapping: This same yet proven perfect storm would apply to all transfusions! Unvaxed are ever asking for any number of 100% clean transfers...with no death sentence please!
Hospitals : "Resounding No ... Accept or Deny Transfusion!" * This is not appropriate to ask for! * You can not store your own blood! * Unjustifiable Request! * Not operationally feasible nor medically sound! * No! You don't get to ask which Big Pharma CEO plays God with yer virginal bits.
Unvaxed are welcomed & entitled to donate more often than any but can't expect the same in return! Giving is just that! Always was & always will be! Sure, argue all ya like...no one is listening! True!
Breast Milk Bank Numbered & Collected & on 2 month pick up / drop off basis up to 8 months (General) As said this Milk could be prioritised before Mass Mixing...Mothers have precautionary sense! Possibly this is the one transfer where sisters may extend possibilities away from Frontline! Pre lactation Vax can fully transfer to new born within 2 months (Again during Prime Time) Nurses say this is wonderful news! 2nd Dose > During Lactation is least effective Vax & period for transfer of Vaxed antibodies!
Organ / Skin transfer is 100% Mandated Vaxed transfer ( See time Delays Above Chart ) Because of these delays the transfer is less by "Newly Vaxed" but more by suppressed immuno action. Donor obviously bullies Vax antibodies by default but Recipient is too ill to activate the antibodies. It is what it is...Vaxed uptake Vaxed organ or die! That Simple! Patients need to delay any further Vax. tbb did check Oz Doctors Web cast...no more or less die from Vax Donated organ...(Not an issue!)
*Radiology had the 3x workload Crisis dealing with inflamed Lymph nodes screening as cancers. This led to 6-9 month delays in cancer screening!
Crew may have noticed recent WA Health request for "Poo Donors" Faecal Microbiota Transplants are a world wide crisis in the making...Around 10-15% supplies left! Asking why 85% can no longer Donate...that number sounds familiar? tbb thought to investigate why Poo was in short supply...easiest way was to offer up a donation... This led to all obvious answers in no time...thought as much...as they don't just take any old poo... Bizarrely knocking back 50+ largest & only constantly Bowel Tested crew...instead wanting untested poo bums! No recent o/s Aged 18-50 & must be anchored as a local for ongoing 2 monthly supply line! No Covid ever > No Quarantine ever > No Close Contact ever > No ongoing Prescribed / Trial Meds. Covid Vax is an ongoing prescribed and or Trial Med that would impact on 2 month dumps! WA say only 1/100 can apply...were talking about some hesitant farting holes in his game of thrones!
Anyhow! Not sure why experts can't simply run this by us... tbb did dig deeper on this one...can't complain as there is nothing to compare it to! World has really tuned out on this Vax transfer gig...like who gives a fuck if we destroy ourselves!
Just another festering Mass Vax mess that not one expert can retrieve from up their own arse! Some game fool had to unblock the whazoo to flush out their Mass Vax Log Jam!
https://www.lifeblood.com.au/ https://www.lifeblood.com.au/milk https://www.donatelife.gov.au/ https://www.lifeblood.com.au/microbiome
I was called all sorts of things for suggesting this through the “pandemic” now look:
Next you will see articles from main stream media that natural immunity is far more powerful than any jab made in a lab
More science from AndyMs trusted sources
NEW - German Health Minister Lauterbach says vaccination limits the COVID pandemic because vaccinated people develop symptoms quickly and stay home, while unvaccinated people develop symptoms more slowly. pic.twitter.com/JKB1nIlaXs— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 24, 2022
NEW - German Health Minister Lauterbach says vaccination limits the COVID pandemic because vaccinated people develop symptoms quickly and stay home, while unvaccinated people develop symptoms more slowly. pic.twitter.com/JKB1nIlaXs
How much pharma money has that cnt pocketed to spruik continued bullshit
Absolutely amazing that they can now just blatantly say this stuff and get away with it like nothing happened.
Havnt heard from Roadkill in awhile. I recon he's got Covid again.
Germans have been fascist authoritarian cnts forever. Lying to the people to control them is in their cultural makeup. Same here I guess. That fella should be swinging from a lamppost after the shit he’s pulled.
The Great Walk Back picks us its pace. Almost like a dam is about to burst or something. https://t.co/tP3M8YbnLK— Chris "Early Treatment" Martenson, PhD (@chrismartenson) August 25, 2022
The Great Walk Back picks us its pace. Almost like a dam is about to burst or something. https://t.co/tP3M8YbnLK
Damn these tin foil hat wearers screaming over the last two years seem to be right. AGAIN
Funny that she says they have updated their data but an unvaccinated non citizen can still not enter USA.
Although somewhat discredited... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
Although somewhat discredited... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
The CNN medical authority/ voice of covid Leanna Wen has started walking back her corruption influenced public lying campaign. The lady who was vocally calling for the unvaccinated to be excluded from society now tepidly trying to ease her way back.
Although somewhat discredited... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
San Guine. I’m curious to know why you put this in the covid thread. Was it ( rightly) a reference to the sadistic tendency of the utter fucks amongst us who took pleasure from demanding and witnessing punitive punishment on those who failed to cave to the ridiculous authoritarianism of the covid era?
If only we could have all the Roadkills answer for their evil attitudes.
Damn these tin foil hat wearers screaming over the last two years seem to be right. AGAIN
Funny that she says they have updated their data but an unvaccinated non citizen can still not enter USA.
Novax is still barred from the US I see. Perhaps he should cross the border illegally through Mexico , they'll even bus him to where ever he wants to go.
Damn these tin foil hat wearers screaming over the last two years seem to be right. AGAIN
Funny that she says they have updated their data but an unvaccinated non citizen can still not enter USA.
Novax is still barred from the US I see. Perhaps he should cross the border illegally through Mexico , they'll even bus him to where ever he wants to go.
yep, no Djoker at the US open. One of the fittest/healthiest sports starts on the planet still not allowed into USA because he didn't get a jab for a virus that was no threat to him.
I'm 100% sure athletes got pretend jabs (hello Slater) and are traveling freely right now, so good on Djokovic for being out spoken on the matter and putting his morals before money.
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